Our Weekend in Gatlinburg

Recently my wife and I spent a weekend in Gatlinburg Tennessee to celebrate her retirement. While there we spent time in Gatlinburg, The Great Smokey Mountains, and Dollywood. We chose this time to see the Christmas displays in these areas, and WOW! Gatlinburg is a nice place to visit – the Christmas lights are awesomeContinue reading “Our Weekend in Gatlinburg”

Small Business Saturday

It seems like every time we turn around now someone is coming up with a new special day, but one that is becoming important for my wife, and I is coming up this Saturday with small business Saturday. For many people in these economic times another source of income is helpful and for people likeContinue reading “Small Business Saturday”

A Hike at Dolly Sods

Dolly Sods is a wilderness area located in Grant, Tucker, and Randolph Counties in West Virginia. If you want a truly wilderness area to hike and explore, this is it. In some places it resembles northern Arctic plains, while in others it is a wooded mountainous area that is spectacular to view. On Sunday, OctoberContinue reading “A Hike at Dolly Sods”

Small Farms, Small Businesses

Hey folks, been a while since I have posted but there are some things happening out there today that have me very annoyed and very concerned. Yes, this is probably a soap box post, but one that I have to do. Yesterday, after a few summerlike days after a very cold and wet beginning ofContinue reading “Small Farms, Small Businesses”

Fishing Throughout the Years

Wow, it’s been a long time since I posted anything. No real excuses other than retirement can be busy – and not always how you thought it was going to be back when you were wishing for it. Sitting here today watching it rain and my two of my grandsons playing and watching TV, somehowContinue reading “Fishing Throughout the Years”

Memorable Winter Storms

Having just lived through one of the many winter storms that is a part of life here in the Appalachian Mountains of Western MD – and yes Maryland actually does have a Western area that is mountainous- I can’t help but think of a couple of memorable storms that we have lived through. We haveContinue reading “Memorable Winter Storms”

January 2022 – A look at my hopes from last year.

In January of 2021 I made a list of wishes that I would hope to be able to see during the year, really without much hope any of them would come to pass. Well, looking at them this January, they for the most part didn’t. Let’s look and see……. Hope 1 – church attendance wouldContinue reading “January 2022 – A look at my hopes from last year.”

Deer Hunting Stories, In Memory of a Great Friend

Yes, time marches on and while it brings us some great things like grandchildren, it also brings us news such as I received a couple of days ago regarding the passing of a dear friend. When I found out last week that he was failing I asked his wife to tell him to remember someContinue reading “Deer Hunting Stories, In Memory of a Great Friend”

Thanksgiving Remembrances

There is no doubt as you get older your activities during Thanksgiving change but one thing should never change. You should always be thankful to God for all he has given us. If you look closely enough today, there are forces at work trying to eliminate the traditional family and family values and that evenContinue reading “Thanksgiving Remembrances”